
An index of publications I’ve written, comprising books, peer reviewed journal publications and book reviews.

PUBLICATIONS – full list

Google Scholar Citations:


Jamal, T. & Higham, J.E.S. (Eds) (2022). Justice and Tourism: Principles and Approaches for local-global sustainability and well-being. London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-367-69739-6.

Higham, J.E.S., & Hinch, T.D. 伊藤央二・山口志郎訳「スポーツツーリズム入門」晃洋書房 (2020). Supotsu tsurizumu nyumon (Sport tourism development 3rd ed.) E. Ito & S. Yamaguchi, Trans. Kyoto: Koyo Shobo.

Higham, J.E.S. & Hinch, T.D. (2018). Sport Tourism Development (Edition 3). Bristol: Channel View Publications. ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-195-4 (hbk). ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-195-7 (pbk)

Moyle, B.D., Hinch, T.D. & Higham, J.E.S. (2018). Sport and sustainable tourism destinations. London: Routledge (Routledge Special Issue Book Series).

Hopkins, D. & Higham, J.E.S. (Eds) (2016). Low carbon mobility transitions. Goodfellow Publishers: Oxford. ISBN: 978-1-910158-64-7 hbk; 978-1-910158-65-4 eBook.

Musa, G., Higham, J.E.S. & Thompson-Carr, A. (Eds) (2015). Mountaineering tourism. Routledge: London (Contemporary Geographies of Tourism, Leisure and Mobility series). ISBN: 978-1-138-78237-2 (hbk). ISBN: 978-1-315-76920-2 (ebk)

Cohen, S.A., Higham, J.E.S., Peeters, P. & Gössling, S. (Eds) (2014). Understanding and governing sustainable tourism mobility: Psychological and behavioural approaches.Routledge: London  (Contemporary Geographies of Tourism, Leisure and Mobility series). 312 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-83937-2 (hbk). ISBN: 978-0-203-77150-1 (ebk)

Higham, J.E.S., Bejder, L. & Williams, R. (Eds). (2014). Whale-watching, sustainable tourism and ecological management. Cambridge University Press. 418pp. ISBN: 978-0-521-19597-3.

Hinch, T.D. & Higham, J.E.S. (2011). Sport Tourism Development (Edition 2). Bristol: Channel View Publications. ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-195-4 (hbk). ISBN-13: 978-1-84541-195-7 (pbk)

Higham, J.E.S. & Hinch, T.D. (2009). Sport and tourism: Globalization, mobility and identity. Oxford: Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-7506-8610-5.

Higham, J.E.S. & Lűck, M. (Eds). 2008. Marine wildlife and tourism management: Insights from the natural and social sciences. Wallingford, Oxford; CABI Publishing. ISBN: 9781845933456.

Higham, J.E.S. (Ed) 2007. Critical issues in Ecotourism: Understanding a complex tourism phenomenon. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN: 0750668784.

Hall, C.M. & Higham, J.E.S. (Eds). 2005. Tourism, recreation and climate change: International perspectives. Aspects of Tourism Book Series. Clevedon: Channel View Publications. 319pp. Hbk ISBN: 1-84541-004-1. Pbk ISBN 1-84541-003-3.

Higham, J.E.S. (Ed) 2004. Sport Tourism Destinations: Issues, opportunities and analysis. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. 304pp. Hbk ISBN: 0 7506 5937 8.

Hinch, T.D. & Higham, J.E.S. 2004. Sport Tourism Development. Aspects of Tourism Book Series. Clevedon: Channel View Publications. 254pp. Hbk ISBN 1-873150-63-6. Pbk ISBN 1-873150-62-8.


Higham, J.E.S., Viesten, K., Landa Mata, I., Farstad, E., Hopkins, D. & Bian, Y. (2024). Healthy persuasion: A values-based messaging approach to air travel decision-making. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. (open access).

Danzi, L., Orchiston, C., Higham, J.E.S. & Baggio, R. (2024). Tourism disaster management: A social network analysis of nature-based destinations in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Travel Research (open access).

Higham, J.E.S. & Vada, S. (2024). The State-of-the-Art in Sport Tourism Geographies. Tourism Geographies

Liu, Y. Zhang, G & Higham, J.E.S. (2024). Switching off for the planet: ‘Surface mimicry’ and energy saving practices in peer-to-peer accommodation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism

Goean, E.R., Font, X., Xiong, Y., Becken, S., Chenoweth, J.L., Fioramonti, L., Higham, J.E.S.,  Jaiswal, A.K., Sadhukhan, J., Sun, Y-Y., Treiblmaier, H., Xia, S. & Zhou, X. (2024). Using the blockchain to reduce carbon emissions in the visitor economy.  Sustainability

Farstad, E., Mehmetoglu, M., Steen Jacobsen, J.K., Hopkins, D., Higham, J.E.S. & Landa-Mata, I. (2023). Recasting post-COVID-19 sustainable holiday travel. Journal of Sustainable Tourism

Hopkins, D., Landa-Mata, I., Steen Jacobsen, J.K., Farstad, E., & Higham, J.E.S. (2023). Imagining post-fossil tourism mobilities: Thinking with Norwegian tourists. Social and Cultural Geography

Hopkins, D, Gössling, S., Cohen, S. & Hanna, P. & Higham, J.E.S. (2023). Aero-masculinities and the fallacy of sustainable aviation. Energy Research and Social Science.

Cocolas, N., Walters, G., Ruhanen, L. & Higham, J.E.S. (2023). Air travel and persuasive climate communications. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (Open access).

Alizadeh, A., Higham, J.E.S., Filep, S., Moyle, B.D. & Vada, S. (2023). Sustainable Decision Making and Psychological Well-being in Tourism: The Triple Helix Model. Journal of Responsible Tourism Management 4(1):

Tseng, S.H., Higham, J.E.S. Lee, C. (2023). Challenges towards post-Covid-19 responsible academic air travel. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.

Ito, E. & Higham, J.E.S. (2023). An evidence-base for reducing the CO2 emissions of national mega sports events: Application of the three-hub model to the Japan 2019 Rugby World Cup. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (Special Issue on the Evidence-base for sustainable tourism).

Tseng, S.H., Lee, C. & Higham, J.E.S. (2022). Managing academic air travel emissions: Towards system-wide practice change. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.

Higham, J.E.S., Loehr, J., Hopkins, D., Becken, S. & Stovall, W. (2022). Climate science and tourism policy in Australasia: Deficiencies in science-policy translation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism

Tseng, S.H., Lee, C. & Higham, J.E.S. (2022). The Impact of COVID-19 on Academic Aeromobility Practices: Hypocrisy or Moral Quandary? Mobilities.

Ito, E., Higham, J.E.S. & Cheer, J. (2022). Carbon Emission Reduction and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Annals of Tourism Research. 3(2) November 2022.

Zhang, G., Higham, J.E.S. & Albrecht, J.N. (2022). Co-creating experiences of ecological restoration: Shifting environmental philosophies. Tourist Studies DOI: 10.1177/14687976221091339

Higham, J.E.S., Font, X. & J. Wu (2022). Code Red for sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 31(1): 1-15.

Cohen, S., Liu, H., Hanna, P., Hopkins, D., Higham, J.E.S. & Gössling, S. (2021). The Rich Kids of Instagram: Luxury travel, transport modes and desire. Journal of Travel Research.

Higham, J.E.S., Hanna, P., Cohen, S., Gössling, S., Hopkins, D. & Cocolas, N. (2021). Reconfiguring aviation for a climate-safe future: Are airlines sending the wrong message? Journal of Travel Research.61(6):1458-1473.

Jacobsen, J.K.S., Farstad, E., Higham, J.E.S., Hopkins, D. & Landa-Mata, I. (2021). Travel discontinuities, enforced holidaying-at-home and alternative leisure travel futures after COVID-19. Tourism Geographies.

Zhang, G., Higham, J.E.S. & Albrecht, J.N. (2021). Ecological restoration and visitor experiences: Insights informed by environmental philosophy. Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

Fumagalli, M., Guerra, M., Brough, T., Carome, W., Constantine, R., Higham, J.E.S., Rayment, W., Slooten, L., Stockin, K. & Dawson, S. (2021). Looking back to move forward: Lessons from three decades of research and management of cetacean tourism in New Zealand. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:

Fletcher, J., Higham, J.E.S. & Longnecker, N. (2021). Climate change risk perception in the USA and alignment with sustainable travel behaviours. PLOS One 16 (1): e0244545.

Ito, E. & Higham, J.E.S. (2020). Supplemental Tourism Activities: A Conceptual Framework to Maximise Sport Tourism Benefits and Opportunities. Journal of Sport & Tourism

Zhang, G., Higham, J.E.S. & Albrecht, J.N. (2020). Ecological restoration: Contrasting tourist narratives. Tourism Management Perspectives

Cocolas, N., Walters, G., Ruhanen, L. & Higham, J.E.S. (2020). Consumer attitudes towards flying amidst growing climate concern. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29(6): 944-963.

Jamal, T. & Higham, J.E.S. (2020). Justice and ethics: Towards a new platform for tourism sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 29(2&3): 143-157.

Sun, Y.Y. & Higham, J.E.S. (2020). Overcoming information asymmetry in tourism carbon management: The application of a new reporting architecture to Aotearoa New Zealand. Tourism Management

Klöwer, M., Hopkins, D., Allen, M. & Higham, J.E.S (2020). Decarbonising conference travel after COVID-19. Nature 583: 356-360 (16 July 2020) 

Supplementary Information:

Sun, Y.Y., Lin, P.C. & Higham, J.E.S. (2020). Optimising the tourism demand mix: Concept and analysis. Tourism Management 81.

Gössling, S. & Higham, J.E.S. (2020). The low carbon imperative: Destination management under urgent climate change. Journal of Travel Research 60(6), 1167-1179.

Higham, J.E.S. (2020). Sport tourism: A perspective article. Tourism Review 75(1). 75th anniversary Special Issue (invited paper).

Spector, S., Higham, J.E.S. & Gössling, S. (2020). Extraterrestrial transitions: Desirable transport futures on Earth and in outer space. Energy Research & Social Science, 68.

Higham, J.E.S. & Font, X. (2019). Decarbonising academia: Confronting our climate hypocrisy. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 28(1): 1-15.

Finkler, W. Higham, J.E.S. (2019). Stakeholder perspectives on sustainable whale watching: A participatory science communication approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 28(4): 535-549. 

Finkler, W., Higham, J.E.S., Leon, B. & Aitken, R. (2019). Bridging the void: Science communication for sustainable tourism. International Journal of Science Education Part B

Cocolas, N., Walters, G., Ruhanen, L. & Higham, J.E.S. (2019). Climate change and air travel attitudes functions: A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Special issue: Innovative Approaches to the Study and Practice of Sustainable Transport, Mobilities and Tourism. 28(2): 319-336.

Cohen, S.A., Hanna, P., Higham, J.E.S., Hopkins, D. & Orchiston, C. (2019). Gender discourses in academic mobility. Gender, Work & Organization DOI: 10.1111/gwao.12413

Gössling, S., Hanna, P., Higham, J.E.S., Cohen, S. & Hopkins, D. (2019). Can we fly less? An evaluation of the ‘necessity’ of air travel. Journal of Air Transport Management 81 (2019)

Higham, J.E.S., Ellis, L. & Maclaurin, J. (2019). Tourist aviation emissions: A problem of collective action. Journal of Travel Research (Tourism Foundations Conceptual Article) 58(4): 535–548.

Spector, S. & Higham, J.E.S. (2019). Space tourism in the Anthropocene. Annals of Tourism Research 79 (2019).

Hopkins, D., Higham, J.E.S., Orchiston, C. & Duncan, T. (2019). The practice of academic mobilities: bodies, networks and institutional rhythms. The Geographical Journal https://doi.10.1111/geoj.12301

Fletcher, J., Longnecker, N. & Higham, J.E.S. (2019). Envisioning future travel: moving from high to low carbon systems. Futures 109: 63-72

Higham, J.E.S., Hopkins, D. & Orchiston, C. (2019). The work-sociology of academic aeromobility at remote institutions: Networks, co-presence and proximity.Mobilities 14(5) October 2019

Font, X., Higham, J.E.S., Miller, G. & Pourfakhimi, S. (2019). Research engagement, impact and sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 27(1):

Markham, F., Young, M., Reis, A. & Higham, J.E.S. (2018). Does carbon pricing reduce air travel? Evidence from the Australian Clean Energy Future policy, July 2012 to June 2014. Journal of Transport Geography, 70, 206-214.

Peeters, P., Higham, J.E.S., Cohen, S., Eijgelaar, E. & Gössling, S. (2018). Desirable Tourism Transportation Futures. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 26(7).

Kamrul, H., Higham, J.E.S., Wooliscroft, B. & Hopkins, D. (2018). Climate change and World Heritage: A cross-border analysis of the Sundarbans (Bangladesh-India). Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events

Gössling, S., Cohen, S., Higham, J.E.S., Peeters, P. and Eijgelaar, E. (2018). Desirable Transport Futures. Transportation Research Part D.

Higham, J.E.S. & Miller, G. (2018). Transforming societies, transforming tourism:  Sustainable tourism in times of change. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 26(1): 1-17.

Spector, S., Higham, J.E.S. & Doering, A. (2017). Beyond the biosphere: Tourism, outer space, and sustainability. Tourism Recreation Research, 42(3): 273-283.

Espiner, S., Orchiston, C. & Higham, J.E.S. (2017). Resilience and sustainability: a complementary relationship? Towards a practical conceptual model for the sustainability resilience nexus in tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 15(10): 1385-1400.

Hinch, T.D, Higham, J.E.S. & Moyle, B. (2017). Sport tourism and sustainable destinations: Foundations and pathways. Journal of Sport & Tourism. 20(3-4): 163-174.

Bramwell, B., Higham, J.E.S., Lane, B. & Miller, G. (2017). Twenty-five years of sustainable tourism: Looking back and moving forward. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 25(1): 1-14.

Reis, A. & Higham, J.E.S. (2016). Climate change perceptions of Australian non-frequent flyers” Tourism Recreation Research, 42(1), 59-71.

Peeters, P., Higham, J.E.S., Kutzner, D., Cohen, S. & Gössling, S. (2016). Are technology myths stalling aviation climate policy? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 44:30-42. 10.1016/j.trd.2016.02.004

Higham, J.E.S., Haukeland, J.V., Hopkins, D., Vistad, O.I., Lindberg, K. & Daugstad, K. (2016). National Parks policy and planning: A comparative analysis of friluftsliv (Norway) and the dual mandate (New Zealand). Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 8(2):146-175.

Cohen, S.A., Higham, J.E.S., Gössling, S., Peeters, P. & Eijgelaar, E. (2016).  Finding effective pathways to sustainable mobility: Bridging the science-policy gap. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 24(3): 317-334.

Hopkins, D., Higham, J.E.S., Tapp, S. & Duncan, T. (2016). Academic travel in the Anthropocene: A comparative study of university policy at three New Zealand institutions. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 24(3): 376-397.

Bramwell, B., Higham, J.E.S., Lane, B. & Miller, G. (2016). Advocacy or neutrality? Disseminating research findings, and driving change toward sustainable tourism, in a fast changing world. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 24(1): 1-8.

Higham, J.E.S., Cohen, S.A., Cavaliere, C.T., Reis, A.C. & Finkler, W. (2016). Climate change, tourist air travel and radical emissions reduction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 111:336-347. Special Issue on Sustainable Tourism.

Hopkins, D., Campbell-Hunt, C., Carter, L., Higham, J.E.S. & Rosin, C. (2016). Climate Change and Aotearoa/New Zealand: A Review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 6(6), 559-583. http://10.1002/wcc.355. IF: 4.571.

Higham, J.E.S., Bejder, L., Allen, S., Corkeron, P. & Lusseau, D. (2015). Managing whale-watching as a non-lethal consumptive activity. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 24(1): 73-90.

Young, M., Markham, F., Reis, A. & Higham, J.E.S. (2015). ‘Flights of fantasy’: A theoretical reformulation of the ‘flyers’ dilemma’. Annals of Tourism Research 54: 1–15. DOI: http://10.1016/j.annals.2015.05.015

Higham, J.E.S., Reis, A.C. & Cohen, S.A. (2015). Australian climate concern and the ‘attitude-behaviour gap’. Current Issues in Tourism. 19(4): 338-354.

Hall, C. M.; Amelung, B; Cohen, S; Eijgelaar, E; Gössling, S; Higham, J.E.S; Leemans, R; Peeters, P; Ram, Y.; Scott, D; Aall, C; Abegg, B; Araña, J.E.; Barr, S; Becken, S; Buckley, R; Burns, P; Coles, T; Dawson, J; Doran, R; Dubois, G; Duval, D.T; Fennell, D; Gill, A.M.; Gren, M; Gronau, W; Guiver, J; Hopkins, D; Huijbens, E.H.; Koens, K; Lamers, M; Lemieux, C; Lew, A; Long, P; Melissen, F.W.; Nawijn, J; Nicholls, S; Nilsson, J.H; Nunkoo, R; Pomering, A; Reis, A.C.; Reiser, D; Richardson, R.B.; Rogerson, C.M.; Saarinen, J; Sæþórsdóttir, A.D.; Steiger, R; Upham, P; van der Linden, S; Visser, G; Wall, G & Weaver, D. (2015). Denying bogus skepticism in climate change and tourism research. Tourism Management. 47: 352-356.  DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2014.08.009

Heenehan, H., Basurto, X., Bejder, L. Tyne, J., Higham, J.E.S. & Johnston, D.W. (2015). Using Ostrom’s common pool resource theory to build towards an integrated ecosystem based sustainable cetacean tourism system in Hawai`i. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 23(4): 536-556.

Orchiston, C. & Higham, J.E.S. (2015). Knowledge management and tourism recovery (de)marketing: The Christchurch earthquakes 2010-2011. Current Issues in Tourism19(1), 64-84.

Hall, C. M.; Amelung, B; Cohen, S; Eijgelaar, E; Gössling, S; Higham, J.E.S; Leemans, R; Peeters, P; Ram, Y.; Scott, D; Aall, C; Abegg, B; Araña, J.E.; Barr, S; Becken, S; Buckley, R; Burns, P; Coles, T; Dawson, J; Doran, R; Dubois, G; Duval, D.T; Fennell, D; Gill, A.M.; Gren, M; Gronau, W; Guiver, J; Hopkins, D; Huijbens, E.H.; Koens, K; Lamers, M; Lemieux, C; Lew, A; Long, P; Melissen, F.W.; Nawijn, J; Nicholls, S; Nilsson, J.H; Nunkoo, R; Pomering, A; Reis, A.C.; Reiser, D; Richardson, R.B.; Rogerson, C.M.; Saarinen, J; Sæþórsdóttir, A.D.; Steiger, R; Upham, P; van der Linden, S; Visser, G; Wall, G & Weaver, D. (2015). On climate change skepticism and denial in tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 23(1): 4-25.

Hall, C.M., Amelung, B., Cohen, S., Eijgelaar, E., Gössling, S., Higham, J.E.S., Leemans, R., Peeters, P., Ram, Y., Scott, D. et al. (2015). No time for smokescreen skepticism: A rejoinder to Shani and Arad. Tourism Management. 47: 341-347.  DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2014.08.008

Young, M., Higham, J.E.S. & Reis, A. (2014). Up in the Air: A conceptual critique of flying addiction. Annals of Tourism Research. 49:51-64.

Higham, J.E.S., Cohen, S.A., & Cavaliere, C.T. (2014). Climate change, discretionary air travel and the ‘flyers’ dilemma’Journal of Travel Research. 53(4): 462-475.

Schultz, H., Higham, J.E.S. & Schultz, M. (2014). The Informal Caregiver: A Qualitative Assessment of Needs and Requirements. Family Medicine & Medical Science Research. 3(4): 114-120. doi:10.4172/2327-4972.1000144

Higham, J.E.S., Cohen, S.A., Peeters, P. & Gössling, S. (2013). Psychological and behavioural approaches to understanding and governing sustainable mobility. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 21(7): 949-967.  

Cohen, S.A., Higham, J.E.S. & Reis, A. (2013). Sociological barriers to sustainable discretionary air travel behaviour. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 21(7): 982-998.

Mitchell, R., Wooliscroft, B. & Higham, J.E.S. (2013). Applying sustainability in National Park management: Balancing public and private interests. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 21(5): 695-715.

Hopkins, D., Higham, J.E.S., & Becken, S. (2012) Climate change in a regional context: relative vulnerability in the Australasian skier market, Regional Environmental Change 13(2): 449-458. IF: 1.945.

Higham, J.E.S. (2012). Wildlife social learning should inform sustainable tourism management. Animal Conservation 15: 438-439IF: 2.692

Higham, J.E.S. & Vistad, O. (2011). Tourism in protected natural areas: The Nordic-Baltic context. Scandinavian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. 11:1-12 (Special Issue on Tourism in Protected Natural Areas).

Cohen, S.A., Higham, J.E.S. & Cavaliere, C.T. (2011). Binge flying: Behavioural addiction and climate change. Annals of Tourism Research 38(3): 1070-1089.

Higham, J.E.S. & Cohen, S.A. (2011). Canary in the coalmine: Norwegian attitudes towards climate change and extreme long-haul air travel to Aotearoa/New Zealand. Tourism Management 32(1): 98-105.

Higham, J.E.S. & Shelton, E. (2011). Tourism and wildlife habituation: Reduced population fitness or cessation of impact? Tourism Management 32(4):1290-1298.

Cohen, S.A. & Higham, J.E.S. (2011). Eyes wide shut? UK Consumer perceptions on aviation climate impacts and travel decisions to New Zealand. Current Issues in Tourism 14(4):323-335.

Walker, G., Hinch, T.D. & Higham, J.E.S. (2010). Athletes as tourists: Mode of experience and achievement orientation. Journal of Sport & Tourism 15(4):287-305.

Mitchell, R.W., Wooliscroft, B. & Higham, J.E.S. (2010). Sustainable market orientation: A new approach to managing marketing strategy. Journal of Macromarketing 30(2): 160-170 (Special Issue on Environmental Sustainability) [Most frequently downloaded JMM article 2010].

Reis, A. & Higham, J.E.S. (2009). Recreation Conflict and Sport Hunting: Moving beyond goal interference towards social sustainability. Journal of Sport & Tourism 14(2/3):83-108. (Lead article in Special Issue on Sport tourism sustainability).

Higham, J.E.S., Bejder, L. & Lusseau, D. (2009). An integrated and adaptive management model to address the long-term sustainability of tourist interactions with cetaceans. Environmental Conservation 35(4): 294-302. (IF 2.341)

Higham, J.E.S. & Bejder, L. (2008). Managing wildlife-based tourism: Edging slowly towards sustainability? Current Issues in Tourism 11(1):63-74. doi: 10.2167/cit345.0

Higham, J.E.S. & Lusseau, D. (2008). Slaughtering the goose that lays the golden egg: Are whale-watching and whaling mutually exclusive? Current Issues in Tourism 11(1): 75-83. doi: 10.2167/cit335.0

Higham, J.E.S., Lusseau, D. & Hendry, W. (2008). The viewing platforms from which animals are observed in the wild: A discussion of emerging research directions. Journal of Ecotourism 7(2/3):132-141 (invited from keynote). Special Issue on Australian Wildlife Tourism.

Higham, J.E.S. & Lusseau, D. (2007). Urgent need for empirical research into whaling and whale-watching. Conservation Biology 21(2): 554-558.

Higham, J.E.S. & Dickey, A.  (2007). Benchmarking ecotourism in New Zealand: A c.1999 analysis of activities offered and resources utilised by ecotourism businesses. Journal of Ecotourism6(1): 67-74. 

Higham, J.E.S. & Hinch, T.D. (2006). Sport and tourism research: A geographic approach. Sport & Tourism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 11(1): 31-49.

Dickey, A. & Higham, J.E.S. (2005). A Spatial Analysis of Commercial Ecotourism Businesses in New Zealand: A c.1999 Benchmarking Exercise Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Tourism Geographies. 7(4): 373-388.

Higham, J.E.S. (2005). Sport tourism as an attraction for managing seasonality. Sport in Society 8(2):238-262 (Special Issue).

Hinch, T.D. & Higham, J.E.S. (2005). Sport, tourism and authenticity. European Sports Management Quarterly. 5(3):245-258 (Special Issue).

Finkler, W. & Higham, J.E.S. (2004). The human dimensions of whale watching: An analysis based on viewing platforms. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 9(2): 103-117.

Lusseau, D. & Higham, J.E.S. (2004). Managing the impacts of dolphin-based tourism through the definition of critical habitats: The case of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) in Doubtful Sound, New Zealand. Tourism Management 25(5): 657-667.

Shelton, E., Higham, J.E.S & Seddon, P. (2004). Habituation, penguin research and ecotourism: Some thoughts from left field. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 31(1):119.

Musa, G., Hall, C.M. & Higham, J.E.S. (2004). Tourism and health: The case of Sagamartha National Park (SNP). Journal of Sustainable Tourism 12(4): 306-331.

Musa, G., Higham, J.E.S. & Hall, C.M. (2003). A review of tourist and health issues with particular reference to Tibet. Tourism Review International 7(1):37-49.

Higham, J.E.S. & Carr, A. (2003). Wildlife tourism and the protection of rare and endangered endemic species in New Zealand: An analysis of visitor experiences. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 8(1): 25-36.

Higham, J.E.S. & Carr, A. (2003). Defining ecotourism in New Zealand: Differentiating between the defining parameters within a national/regional context. Journal of Ecotourism. 2(1): 17-32.

Higham, J.E.S. & Hall, C.M (2003). Sport tourism in Australia and New Zealand: Responding to a dynamic interface. Editorial. Special Issue. Journal of Sport Tourism, 8(3):275-287.

Higham, J.E.S. & Hinch, T.D. (2003). Sport, space and time: Effects of the Otago Highlanders franchise on tourism. Journal of Sport Management. 17(3): 235-257 (Special Issue).

Higham, J.E.S. & Carr, A. (2002). Profiling visitors to Ecotourism Operations. Annals of Tourism Research 29(4): 1168-1171.

Higham, J.E.S. & Carr, A. (2002). Ecotourism visitor experiences in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Challenging the environmental values of visitors in pursuit of pro-environmental behaviour. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 10(4): 277-294.

Higham, J.E.S. & Lűck, M. (2002). Urban Ecotourism: A contradiction in terms? Journal of Ecotourism. 1(1):36-51.

Higham, J.E.S. (2002). The development of computer-mediated teaching resources for tourism distance education: The University of Otago model. Journal of Travel and Tourism Teaching. 2(2): 1-20.

Higham, J.E.S. and Hinch, T.D. (2002). Sport, tourism and seasons: The challenges and potential of overcoming seasonality in the sport and tourism sectors. Tourism Management 23(2): 175-185.

Carr, A. & Higham, J.E.S. (2001). Ecotourism and Penguins: Profiling visitors to the Oamaru Blue Penguin colony and Penguin Place. New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 28: 439-440.

Higham, J.E.S. and Ritchie, B.W. (2001). Strategic Management and Rural Event Tourism in Southern New Zealand. Event Management 7(1): 39-49.

Hinch, T.D. & Higham, J.E.S. (2001). Sport Tourism: A Framework for Research. The International Journal of Tourism Research. 3(1):45-58.

Hall. C.M. &  Higham, J. E.S. (2000). ‘Wilderness In New Zealand’s Conservation Estate: past, present and future’, Journal of Australian Canadian Studies, 18(1/2):151-170.

Higham, J.E.S. (1999). Sport as an avenue of Tourism Development: An analysis of the positive and negative impacts of sport tourism. Current Issues in Tourism2(1):82-90.

Higham, J.E.S. (1998). Tourists and Albatrosses: The dynamics of tourism at the Northern Royal Albatross Colony, Taiaroa Head, New Zealand Tourism Management 19(6):521-533.

Higham, J.E.S. (1998). Sustaining the physical and social dimensions of wilderness tourism: the perceptual approach to wilderness management in New Zealand. Journal of Sustainable Tourism6(1), 26-51.

Higham, J.E.S. (1997). International tourism and wilderness management in New Zealand: Managing increasing tourist demands being placed upon New Zealand’s conservation estate. International Journal of Wilderness 1997 3(2):27-29,45.

Kearsley, G.W. & Higham, J.E.S. (1997). Wilderness and backcountry motivations and satisfaction in New Zealand’s Natural Areas and Conservation Estate. Australian Leisure. 9: 30-34

Higham, J.E.S. (1996). The Bledisloe Cup: Quantifying the direct economic benefits of event tourism, with ramifications for a city in economic transition. Festival Management and Event Tourism4(3/4):107-116.


Higham, J.E.S. (2013). Sports Fans, Identity and Socialization: Exploring the Fandemonium, edited by Adam C. Earnheardt, Paul M. Haridakis and Barbara S. Hugenberg. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. 2012, 301 pp. Annals of Leisure Research 17(3): (in press). 

Higham, J.E.S. (2003). Tourism in the Antarctic: Opportunities, constraints and future prospects. Bauer T.G. The Haworth Hospitality Press. New York. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 11(1):89-91.

Higham, J.E.S. (2003). Seasonality in Tourism: T. Baum & S. Lundtorp (eds). Oxford: Pergamon. Tourism Culture, and Communication 4(2):113-115.

Higham, J.E.S. (2003). Tourism and Development in Mountain Regions. P.M. Godde, M.F. Price and F.M Zimmermann (eds). Tourism Management Book review 24(1):491-492.

Higham, J.E.S. (2002). The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism. D.Weaver (Ed). CABI Publishing, Oxon, UK. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 10(1):89-91.

Higham, J.E.S. (2000). Take only Photographs, Leave only Footprints: The Environmental Impacts of Wildlife Tourism. Roe, D., Leader-Williams, N and Dalal-Clayton, B. Journal of Sustainable Tourism Book review 6(4):348-350.